Stroke Trials
MR CLEAN- January 2015
500 patients, 18 years +, NIHSS >2, symptom onset <6 hours, proximal occlusion on CTA, ASPECTS 7-10
mRS 0-2 33% endovascular vs 19% control
ESCAPE- February 2015
315 patients, NIHSS >12, ASPECTS >5, symptom onset <12 hours, proximal occlusion on CTA + perfusion
mRS 0-2 53% endovascular vs 29% control
Mortality 10% endovascular vs 19% control
Trial demonstrated short imaging to reperfusion time improves chances of functional independence
Extend-IA- February 2015
70 patients, no age, no NIHSS, symptoms <4.5 hours
mRS 0-2 71% endovascular vs 40% control
Mortality 9% endovascular vs 20% control
SWIFT PRIME- February 2015
196 patients, 18-80, NIHSS 8-29, ASPECTS >6, CTA or MRA
mRS 0-2 60% endovascular vs 36% control
No significant change in symptomatic ICH (sICH)
REVASCAT- February 2015
206 patients, 18-80, NIHSS >6, symptoms <8 hours, ASPECTS >7, CTA
mRS 0-2 44% endovascular vs 28% control
Contributed to evidence support thrombectomy up to 8 hours
DAWN- January 2018
206 patients, 6-18 hours symptom onset, CTP or MR diffusion
NIHSS >10 if >80 age
NIHSS >10, core volume <31mL OR NIHSS >20 core volume <51mL if <80
2 point difference in 90 day mRS. 73% relative reduction of dependency of SDLs
35% absolute increase in number of patients achieving functional independence
This trial expanded population who can benefit from thrombectomy
Patient treated earlier had better outcomes, but eligibility should not be restricted by time window
DEFUSE 3- January 2018
182 ptients, 6-16 hours symptom onset, RAPID used for all
Core <70 mL if >80, Mismatch ratio greater than or equal to 1.8 or mismatch volume greater than or equal to 15 if <80
More favorable mRS
mortality 14% endovascular vs 26% medical therapy
Endovascular treatment 0-6 hours after symptom onset should receive endovascular therapy if:
Prestroke mRS 0-1
LVO present
Age >18
NIHSS greater than or equal to 6
ASPECTS greater than or equal to 6
Treatment can be initiated within 6 hours of symptom onset
Endovascular treatment 6-24 hours after onset should receive endovascular therapy if:
Selected patients 6-16 hours after LKN with anterior circulation LVO and meet DAWN or DEFUSE 3 criteria
Selected patients 16-24 hours after LKN with anterior circulation LVO and meet DAWN criteria